Matrix Falling Code Effect - Notepad tutorials

Here i wanna share a small notepad trick which helps you to make matrix falling effect by opening your command prompt. to make this matrix effect follow the following methods 

  1. fist of all open your notepad and copy the given below codes  and paste into your notepad.
  2. Now click on file menu of notepad and click on save as and the following dialogue box will be appear 
  3. Now change the save as type as a All Files and type the file name matrix.bat can type any name instead of matrix but .bat extension is necessary
  4. Now open your saved file and you will see matrix falling effect on your command prompt 

Note : if you Wanna add more i.e. full screen falling code add more %random% code in your notepad without making gaps. 

@echo off
color a
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%

goto leerhacking

Design and Develop by Sahadev Katwal